Taught by
Helen Davis
Samples -- Three gorgeous samples ready to view.

Supplies Needed
4 matchboxes app 1 1/2x2 inches. I get mine at the stamp store and they are white with no striking strips.
3 pieces of book board or cardboard app 3x2 inches
wrapping paper or decorative paper of your choice, enough to cover the book
boards and the match boxes
4 beads for feet
2 ft. of wire edge thin ribbon
lt. weight paper, like copy paper or deco paper in lt. color
scotch tape
glue stick
hot glue gun and glue sticks (I use cool melt)
ink pad or markers for drawer fronts I used encore metallic and clear ep
stamps of your choice (small ones)

*Helpful hint: leave 'drawers' in boxes til ready to decotate them, gives a little extra support for the boxes!*

1. Wrap all boxes with wrapping paper, glueing as you go. Only the sides will show after the covers are added so try to get the prettiest parts on the side. You can  trim any excess paper off after glueing, so make your paper a little wider than you need. I put glue on 1/2 the back, add paper, glue on the side, wrap paper, glue, wrap etc. til covered, then trim where the 'drawers' go in.
2. Picking the prettiest sides out, glue the 4 boxes to each other, 2 wide and 2 high. The more of these I make, the more I use a little hot glue along with the glue stick.
3. Making sure the bookboard pieces are the same size as the top of the top of the boxes after they have been glued, wrap and glue the paper to the covers. Mitre the corners on the paper for a finished look. I have found I get a nicer result on my top cover if I glue a piece of the paper on each side of the one I want to be the top cover.
4. Keeping aside your favorite cover, glue the other 2 to the boxes. The one on the bottom is pretty side down, glue a 12" length of ribbon on the top center of the boxes then glue the top cover pretty sideup.
5. Accordian fold the lt weight paper for the pages, using as many pages as you want. If you want lots of pages, glue 2 strips together. Cut the strips slightly smaller in width than the covers. Decorate pages with stamps and anything else you wish, being careful to plan which side of the folds will show when book opens.
6. Glue pages to book cover that is on the top of the boxes, making sure that the book  will open the way you want. Glue last cover to last page of accordian folded book unfinished side down.
7. Hot glue beads to bottom of boxes for feet.
8. Remove drawers and rub fronts and backs on pigment ink pad and emboss with clear ep.
9. Glue wire edged ribbon to bottom of each drawer in a loop. I add a piece of scotch tape across bottom too, to prevent ribbon from coming up when opening drawers.
10.Optional. Use small beads for drawer handles, but don't try to hot glue in place, sew on with strong thread or wire thru front of drawer! (guess how I know this)!
11. Twist and curl the ribbon over the top of the book to hold it closed, glue on any embellishments you wish.
12. Put treasures in the drawers and give to someone special, or keep yourself! Doing one in a baby motif would be cute to hold those first lost teeth, strand of hair from 1st haircut, etc.
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